向下滚动阅读全球十大赌钱排行app提供的医疗保健管理课程的描述, or click on these links for additional resources:

Accounting Fundamentals for Decision Making

ACC 2000 / 4 credits
本课程结合了ACC 2010财务会计和ACC 2020管理会计的相关部分, to provide a comprehensive introduction to accounting concepts, financial statements, and the usage of accounting information for decisionmaking. 重点是财务数据在商业世界规划中的应用, performance evaluation, and tactical decision-making. Topics include financial ratio analysis, evaluation of capital investments, cost-volume-profit analysis, inventory valuation, 然后生成vs. buy analysis. This course is only for students not majoring in Accounting or Finance.
Offered in: Fall/ Spring

AHS 1020 Introduction to Healthcare Professions

AHS 1020 / 2 credits
The course is an introduction to various aspects of the health care field. 学生将探索各种与健康相关的学科,并为他们选择的职业道路制定学术计划. 全球十大赌钱排行app的具体医疗保健途径将被更彻底地研究. 将介绍跨专业实践的概念和实施策略. 学生将有机会参与体验式学习活动.
Offered in: Fall

Healthcare Informatics

AHS 4439 / 2 credits
本课程为学生提供健康信息学概念的基本知识,以及如何将技术用于提供医疗保健. Software fee $50.
Prerequisite: AHS 4469 with a grade of C- or better
Offered in: Spring

Evidence Based Practice in Healthcare (IDP)

AHS 4469 / 4 credits
Prerequisite: EXS 2330 with a grade of C- or better
Offered in: Fall

Introduction to Business in Healthcare

BUS 1130 / 4 credits
This course introduces the student to health care through a business lens. The basic principles, 历史, 进化, and importance of a business 理解ing in health care will be covered.
Prerequisite: BUS 1110 or AHS 1020

Healthcare Administration Practicum I (WC)

BUS 4950 / 4 credits
医疗管理实习一是为医疗管理专业的高年级学生开设的一门顶点课程. 它的目的是让学生从程序整合他们的知识,并将这些见解应用到参与医疗机构的实地工作. 学生将有机会探索适合他们职业目标的各种实践领域. Note: Students will be paid for their work in this course.
先决条件:高级常设医疗管理,MKT 3130, 本3120, 本3400, CDM 3700
Offered in: Fall/Spring

Healthcare Administration Practicum II (WC)

汽车4955年 / 4 credits
A continuation of Healthcare Administration Practicum I, 这是一门为医疗保健管理专业的高年级学生开设的顶点课程. 它的目的是让学生从程序整合他们的知识,并将这些见解应用到参与医疗机构的实地工作. 学生将有机会探索适合他们职业目标的各种实践领域. Note: Students will be paid for their work in this course.
先决条件:高级常设医疗管理,MKT 3130, 本3120, 本3400, CDM 3700, 汽车4955年
Offered in: Fall/Spring

Principles of Microeconomics (SOC) (SI)

ECN 1010 / 4 credits
市场经济的兴起和扩张与微观经济行为的原则. Topics include an introduction to economic methodologies, the ideas and institutions of the microeconomy, consumer behavior, the business firm and market structure, labor and capital markets, 以及影响资源配置和收入分配的政府政策.
Offered in: Fall/Spring

Principles of Macroeconomics (SOC) (SI)

ECN 1020 / 4 credits
An introduction to the principles and issues of the national economy, and the institutions of macroeconomic behavior. Topics include the role of government in a mixed market economy; measuring and determining national income; money and the banking system; and the public policies available for achieving full employment, price stability, 以及现代工业和民主社会的持续经济增长.
Offered in: Fall/Spring

Principles of Management

本3120 / 4 credits
本课程为学生未来的领导角色和管理职位做准备. 本课程的主要重点是针对工作文化的行为方面,以及在21世纪成功管理绩效的有效理念和策略的发展. Topics include the changing workplace; the social, 道德, and legal issues in management; cross-cultural awareness; self-awareness; planning and decision-making; project management; motivation; and leading/ working in teams.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing
Offered in: Fall/Spring

Human Resource Management (SI)

本3400 / 4 credits
影响人力资源管理的重要行为研究述评. 人事行政职能和管理劳动关系概论.
Prerequisite: 本3120
Offered in: Fall/Spring

Legal Environment of Business (SI)

MGT 3600 / 4 credits
This is an introductory, 美国法律原则及其在商业世界中的应用概论课程. Students will develop an 理解ing of the legal system, the litigation process, 以及做出重要商业决策时的道德考量. Areas of study will include contracts, 侵权行为, 财产, business organization, employment law, discrimination, 犯罪, the Constitution, and the regulatory process. 口头和书面的案例法分析将被用来帮助学生欣赏, 理解, 并解释有关商业法律环境的多个观点.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing
Offered in: Fall/Spring

Marketing Principles

MKT 3130 / 4 credits
This course provides a general knowledge of marketing, emphasizing marketing mix elements (Product, 价格, 促销活动, and Placement) for both consumer and industrial products, marketing strategies, customer behavior, and promotion. Topics include situation analysis techniques; marketing segmentation; identification of target markets; product/brand positioning via the 4 Ps of marketing; development and presentation of a marketing plan for a local business; and the social, 道德, and legal issues in marketing.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing
Offered in: Fall/Spring

Applied Stats for Health and Human 服务 (MTH) (QR)

NSG/EXS 2330 / 4 credits
本课程介绍了在卫生和人类服务专业中遇到的情况下利用统计数据的实用方法. 介绍基本的统计理论和概念,以帮助学生理解使用统计计算的基本原理和目的. Basic parametric statistical analyses, as well as the mathematical logic behind these calculations, will be presented. 学生将学习如何用正态分布进行假设检验,并学习解释和批判性地评估研究成果. 这些知识将使学生成为基于证据的实践者和同行评议研究的关键消费者.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing

Ethics and Leadership in a Multicultural Society (SI)

SWK 2600 / 4 credits
这门课程是为来自学院任何专业的学生设计的,从广泛的专业和学科角度考察道德和领导能力. Students will learn about various 道德 frameworks, and multicultural 理解ings of ethics and leadership. 学生将把这些伦理框架应用到当代案例研究中,作为培养批判性伦理思维技能的一种方式, 特别是在当代全球社会中,它涉及到对社会负责的领导.
社会工作专业和社会正义未成年人的先决条件:SWK 2400或部门批准
Prerequisite for others: Sophomore standing
Offered in: Fall